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'Ey. Look At Dis Shit.

PRISM # 1 - THE REDUX ( Pt. 2) (Updated 3.4.25)

Previous Issue : The Redux Pt 1              

The Stone Keepers and P.R.I.S.M Lore/History

I am pretty big on lore. Even for parodies such as P.R.I.S.M, I at least want the characters and places to have a background. It all started with a comic I created called "The Stone Keeper". I never finished it but the story ended up being the foundation for P.R.I.S.M.

 Short version is that super heroines in my universe get their powers from "Gracian Stones" which come from "the sky". 

Ms. Maligna arguing with The Wizard

 When the stones are touched by someone these following things can happen:

1) They gain powers and increased attributes.
2) They go completely insane.
3) They go insane and gain increased attributes and powers.
4) If they have already absorbed a stone and touch another (very rare); they become an open vessel to become controlled by Abyssal (evil spirit demigods looking for host), they are killed and/or the stone is destroyed.

Those that have potential to absorb the power of Gracian Stars are usually descendants of Stone Keepers and display super heroic attributes. Some heroes may display attributes that aren't fully developed. They test those they suspect of being Grace's Chosen.  

Night Raven fighting crime despite not being ready.

Janis (Black Enigma) talking to the President about her recruitment process to PRISM.

Also note that some PRISM members could be genetically modified (such as Jade Vixen). Being "Chosen by Grace" is usually a term for those seen as good and uncorruptable, not that they have Star powers.

A sign that a character has actual Gracian Star power are powers like Super Speed, Flight, Teleportation, ability to see and speak to demigods and gods in their true form and other highly advanced powers such as telepathy.
