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'Ey. Look At Dis Shit.

PRISM # 1 - THE REDUX ( Pt. 2) (Updated 3.4.25)

Previous Issue : The Redux Pt 1              

PRISM #11 - Escaping The Asylum pt. 2 (Updated: 1/20/2022)

Email: if you want the PDF file.



NoName said…
Happy 4th of July and thanks for the holiday update.

Why is it pending?
GRIMX said…
Happy 4th! It's pending because I haven't completed pt.1 but I am building scenes and stories for that and Leagues Below Venus 3.

Also, I am switching publishers and setting up a paypal for my vendor work!

NoName said…
Is this a redo of PRISM 2?
GRIMX said…
The first act will be a redux of "To Untitle Them" yes.
NoName said…
Day 31 without update. So very built up :(
GRIMX said…
The hard driver recover company I hired says they can get 71% of my hard drive back. Hopefully the things I lost were non-essential.
Jason said…
Your arts are getting more detailed and well done every time I come here. Loving it, keep up the great work! Will always support you :D
GRIMX said…
Thanks Jason! I'm always trying to learn new techniques and ways to improve the art for you guys!
NoName said…
I guess no one is leaving lol. I love it when the heroine looks totally badass and tough AF and gives a badass one liner in one panel and then in the very next she's completely defeated and being used as a toy lol.
GRIMX said…
Sometimes they just over-estimate their abilities!
NoName said…
Sharing is caring ladies. I am enjoying the updates. Still images tell the story we need, but I am hoping for dialogue soon.
GRIMX said…
Yeah I'm not a fan of worded erotic comics. It's hard to simulate without the proper narration as seen in erotic stories. This was longer than expected though and I normally try to cut in with a sexual scene to give readers a mental break.